Freitag, 18. März 2011

Der Firefox-Hasser

Wie Microsoft-Fans ticken sieht man ja, wenn man die Anti-Firefox-Webseite von Nathan Moinvaziri anseiht.
Schaut mal Was er noch geschrieben hat [Quelle]:
I was one of the early adopters of Vista. I bought it only several days after it was released to the public and have been using it ever since. That’s 1 year and 5 months. Myself, being a hardcore Microsoft fan, have been denying all the Vista skeptics. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate Vista completely nor do I advocate switching to a Mac. I’m a developer and a Mac is not an option unless I want to target only 5% of the world’s computer-using population most of which probably live in the United States.
Die Idiotie dem Dreckskonzern Microsoft blind zu vertrauen, ist gottseidank bei einigermaßen intelligenten Menschen verpönt.

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